

Compete against big box stores with powerful in-store promotions.

Imagine independent furniture retailers competing against a huge, national chain.  Imagine sending a powerful message out into the market place and attracting well qualified customers.  Here at HIFSales, we focus all our efforts into the planning, training, and execution of positive, profitable in-store promotions. 

As an industry, we cannot continue to do the same things over and over again and expect different results.  The market place is changing and the customers are becoming more sophisticated.   As a result, in-store promotions have to minimize advertising costs as well as maximize profits. 

Are you interested in dramatically increasing sales and increasing your profit margin without any one thinking you are going out of business?  Are you interested in increasing your market share?  Are you interested in building a base of repeat customers that you are communicating with on a consistent basis?  If the answer is yes to any one of these questions, as a business owner, you need to contact us and let’s start planning a powerful in-store promotion.

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